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Office Phone: 0090 312 210 3789
Email: cihangir (at) metu (dot) edu (dot) tr

Postal Address:
Cihangir Tezcan
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi

Enformatik Enstitüsü A-219

I am an Associate Professor at Department of Cyber Security, Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University (METU) at Ankara, Turkey. I am Head of Department of Cyber Security and the Director of Cyber Security Center at Middle East Technical University.

I left Department of Mathematics of METU and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and RUHR Universität Bochum (RUB) so I am no longer using my email and postal addresses at Germany and Switzerland.


This semester I am teaching 3 courses. You can watch the asynchronous lecture videos from the following Youtube playlists.

CSEC 502: Network Security

CSEC 507: Applied Cryptology

CSEC 508: Applied Cryptanalysis


Dragonlance            Dragonlance

20.08.2020: I just finished a new drawing based on an earlier sketch of mine (The Dragonlance)

Thesis Students

8. Emrah Tufan (2019 - 2020)
    Thesis: Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning: A Case Study on Probing Attacks
    MSc degree awarded on 28th of July 2020, Department of Cyber Security

7. Aslı Başak Civek (2019 - Present)
    Thesis: Cryptanalysis of NIST's Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Candidates
    Department of Cyber Security

6. Burak Çelik (2017-2019)
    Thesis: Optimization of Advanced Encryption Standard on CUDA Devices
    MSc degree awarded on 4th of September 2019, Department of Cyber Security

5. Merve Öğünç (2016-2018)
    Thesis: Differential Cryptanalysis of LBLOCK using Differential Factors
    MSc degree awarded on 7th of December 2018,
Department of Cryptography

4. Galip Oral Okan (2017-2018)
    Thesis: LYNXTUN
MSc degree awarded on 3rd of September 2018, Department of Cyber Security

3. Asuman Şenol (2016-2017)
    Thesis: Improved Differential Attacks on RECTANGLE
    MSc degree awarded on 7th August 2017, Department of Cyber Security

2. Erol Doğan (2016-2017)
    Thesis: Differential Factors and Differential Cryptanalysis of Block Cipher PRIDE
    MSc degree awarded on 7th July 2017, Department of Cyber Security

1. Rusydi Hasan Makarim (2013-2014)
    Thesis: Relating Undisturbed Bits to Other Properties of S-boxes
MSc degree awarded on 30th June 2014, Department of Cryptography

Program Committee Member

2020: ICISSP 2020
2019: ICISSP 2019, ICCT 2019
SIN'17, ICISSP 2017, ISCTURKEY 2017, ICCT 2017
2015: SIN'15, ICISSP 2015, ISCTURKEY 2015
2014: SIN'14
2013: SIN'13

Journal Editor

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Information Security (2016 - 2018)

Organizing Committee Member

2013: ISCTURKEY 2013, Ankara Cryptology Seminars

Conference Refereeing

2016: CHES 2016
2015: SAC 2015, Latincrypt 2015, WCC 2015, CT-RSA 2015, FSE 2015
2011: Lightsec 2011

Journal Refereeing

- Creative Education
- Designs, Codes, and Cryptography
- IET Circuits, Devices & Systems

IET Information Security
- International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
- Security and Communication Networks
The Computer Journal

26 February 2018: Although I cryptanalyzed ciphers designed by others all this time, for the first time in my life, as a part of my research at RUB with Gregor Leander, I designed a block cipher. Silent Encryption Decryption Algorithm is the first cipher that is designed specifically for GPU architecture. Click here for the SILENT cipher page.

03 April 2017:  I am currently on leave until 2018. I am doing post-doctoral research at RUHR Universitat Bochum, Germany with Gregor Leander's Symmetric Cryptography Group.

During my MS and PhD studies, I focused mainly on block cipher cryptanalysis and I discovered the Improbable Differential Cryptanalysis. I provided the best known attacks on the block ciphers HIGHT (standardized at South Korea), CLEFIA (developed by SONY Corporation), and SERPENT (AES candidate). During my PhD studies at EPFL I did reasearch on provable security under the supervision of Prof. Serge Vaudenay and on GHS attack and genus 2 curves under the supervision of Prof. Arjen Lenstra.


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